Sunday 26 June 2011

FallDown HTML5 Canvas

FallDown is probably one of the most successful free iPhone games of all time, and I quite like playing it even though I am really, really bad at most iPhone games. Just for the fun of it I decided to see if I could code my own version of the game in HTML5 Canvas because all the other versions on the web are flashed based, so I thought it would be nice for there to be a Canvas version.

You can play the game at I have tested it to work in the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome and I can't think why it wouldn't work in any other major browsers that support Canvas - maybe excluding IE9, but I'm not going to go there. The game itself was really easy to code, though my high-score is only 106 (the scoring works on the number of bars you get through)!

Friday 24 June 2011 to launch with DumbCMS v0.2

I will be relaunching my personal site on July 1st 2011. It will be using DumbCMS v0.2 and my blog will be transferred to the new site.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

DumbCMS update

I have shifted the update cycle slightly, and the following information is important: v0.1 FINAL will not be released at all, instead skipping straight to v0.2 FINAL on July 1st because I have sort of deleted the entire set-up for v0.1 on my computer and frankly it used a really nasty system (pages were requested through AJAX and the Admin section was plain nasty). The v0.2 release will allow for proper file management and multiple admin users, making it ideal for hosting a multi-user blog.

Unfortunately adding media to the system will be an issue because of PHP upload limits, but the admin center will automatically receive new files and process them when you login.

Saturday 18 June 2011

DumbCMS 0.1 and 0.2

The current version of DumbCMS at the moment 0.1b, however this is the BETA version on 0.1, as there is still some work to be done on the current version, using the current methods for its development. However, I don't like the way that the system currently manages content, so I am going to rebuild it, making it easier to use.

This means that the final version of 0.1 should be up by about the end of June, but I'm not promising anything because it is literally a one-man project, and then 0.2 should be available within a week of that. There will not be a beta for 0.2 as final code from 0.1 will be carried over.

Although at the moment all versions are effectively in beta towards version 1.0 final, which I intend to release on the 1st January 2012. Here is the planned release cycle for DumbCMS:
  • July 1st 2011: 0.1 FINAL
  • July 15th 2011: 0.2
  • August 1st 2011: 0.3
  • August 15th 2011: 0.4
  • September 1st 2011: 0.5
  • September 15th 2011: 0.6
  • October 1st 2011: 0.7
  • October 15th 2011: 0.8
  • November 1st 2011: 0.9
  • November 15th 2011: 0.9.5 (security and bug update)
  • December 1st 2011: 1.0a
  • December 15th 2011: 1.0b
  • 1st January 2011: 1.0 FINAL
I am currently unsure over what features will actually be in 1.0, but I have got some sort of road map figured out in my head up until 0.5.

There is also the potential for DumbCMS.Net which will be an ASP.NET version.